Fall Athletics Coach and/or Practice Supervisor
Multiple days (Monday-Saturday)
Interested? Contact Malcolm Nelson.
Classroom Snack Provider
Donate snacks to be used during NWEA Map testing week (September 25-29).
Interested? Contact Alice Davis.
Faculty Room Organizer
Help with the organization and upkeep of the Faculty Room. Flexible days/times.
Interested? Contact Alice Davis.
Lunch/Recess Helper
Flexible days (Monday-Friday, 11:40 am-12:15 pm)
Interested? Contact Alice Davis.
Weekly Library Aide
Flexible days/times (at least 40 minutes a week). Duties include checking books in and out to students, shelving books and buddy reading with students.
Interested? Contact Jen Tawato.
Monthly Library Aide
Flexible days/times (at 2-4 hours a month). Duties include helping with book covering, shelf organizing and book repair.
Interested? Contact Jen Tawato.
Grounds Beautification Volunteer
Help keep our school and church grounds beautiful. Volunteers meet the the second Saturday of each month from 9:30 am-Noon.
Interested? Contact John Russell.
Book Fair Volunteer
Help set up and/or staff our annual library fundraiser the week of March 19-23.
Interested? Contact Jen Tawato.
Other Volunteer Opportunities
Classroom helpers
PE, music, art and library helpers
Have another idea? Let us know what your gifts and talents are.
​Interested? Christina Looby.